About Heart & Arrow

Hello and welcome to Heart & Arrow Therapy: A Safe Space to Courageously Share Your Story. Whether you are seeking a therapist for yourself or for a loved one,  this is a brave and important step toward increased well-being. 

The name Heart & Arrow is symbolic for safety(heart)  and courage(arrow), both necessary elements to move into the process of discovery, growth and healing.

The ‘&’ represents the bridge between internal experiences that may, at first look, seem mutually exclusive. In therapy we explore the both/and of impactful life experiences together: joy & pain, growth & regression, celebration & loss, empowerment & surrender, end & beginning. In times of distress, we may assign experiences as polarized, either/or, all-or-nothing. As in joy or pain, growth or regression, etc. Sometimes ‘&’s are emboldened in conflict, needing to be processed and wrestled with to accept. The safe and contained space (bridge) held in therapy is a place to discover a way to toggle the polarities, increase a sense of resolve and enrich meaning in the integration of the full, congruent story.

Often what is discovered in toggling the ‘&’ is a release of grief and confusion & increased joy, vibrancy and well-being.

You, in all the fullness and uniqueness of who you are, are welcome here. You belong.